
Chefbook - Recipe Organizer

Chefbook - Recipe Organizer

  • UX design
  • Research
  • Personal Project

An app that efficiently stores all recipes from different sources(website & youtube links, handwritten notes or screenshots) in efficient way.

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GiftEase - A Gifting Platform

GiftEase - A Gifting Platform

  • UX design
  • Personal Project

An app that takes away the confusion and uncertainty associated with gift selection, ensuring that users find thoughtful and meaningful gifts for their loved ones effortlessly.

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ShareLoan Landing Page Redesign

ShareLoan Landing Page Redesign

  • Freelance Project
  • Responsive Web Design

The main goal of this redesign project was to improve the user experience for people using ShareLoan's website.

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Kerala Travel Agency - Website

Kerala Travel Agency - Website

  • UX design
  • Research
  • Personal Project

A user-friendly, attractive website that turns site visitors to paying clients. It’s a non-commercial project made for learning purpose.

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100 Days Daily UI | (Day 1-20)

100 Days Daily UI | (Day 1-20)

  • Daily UI design
  • UI design
  • Personal Project

Over the past few months, I've been challenging myself to design a new UI element every day, with the goal of improving my skills and pushing myself creatively

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100 Days Daily UI | (Day 21-40)

100 Days Daily UI | (Day 21-40)

  • Daily UI design
  • UI design
  • Personal Project

Continuing my daily UI challenge, pushing the boundaries of design and honing my skills with each new creation.

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100 Days Daily UI | (Day 41-60)

100 Days Daily UI | (Day 41-60)

  • Daily UI design
  • UI design
  • Personal Project

Continuing my daily UI challenge, pushing the boundaries of design and honing my skills with each new creation.

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100 Days Daily UI | (Day 61-80)

100 Days Daily UI | (Day 61-80)

  • Daily UI design
  • UI design
  • Personal Project

Continuing my daily UI challenge, pushing the boundaries of design and honing my skills with each new creation.

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100 Days Daily UI | (Day 81-100)

100 Days Daily UI | (Day 81-100)

  • Daily UI design
  • UI design
  • Personal Project

Continuing my daily UI challenge, pushing the boundaries of design and honing my skills with each new creation.

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